Cat a Blog

The CataBlog will be a place for comments and thoughts about cats and other environmental issues.

The CataBlog will be a place for comments and thoughts about cats and other environmental issues.

You might disagree with what is shared or you might like it! No matter how you feel, our hope is that you will think about the ideas and thoughts expressed. Free Speech is a cornerstone of our great country and we will voice it here. Thanks for reading (or viewing) and participating.

Posted inGeneral Cat Facts, Hybrids

White Tigers and Novelty

Stunning. Beautiful. The stuff of fantasies and fairy tales. These are all valid descriptions of the magical white tiger. There is no doubt that these impressive snowy creatures with ice-blue eyes arrest the attention of countless admirers. Their charm is such that few people ever question just what a white  Read More »

Project Survival Conservation Projects

Project Survival’s Cat Haven promotes the conservation and preservation of wild cats in their native habitat by educating visitors and publicizing the work done by Project Survival Cat Conservation Group. Project Survival’s Cat Haven maintains an educational room at the facility for youth programs and an outreach program. The Cat Haven is designed to act as ‘base camp’ in the belief that preserving wild cats in their native habitat is the principle justification for maintaining them in captivity. Project Survival is engaged in fundraising, including the creation of endowments, to support wild life specialists and educators working in range countries.
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